Window Cleaning
Local Business

Window Cleaning is our bread and butter. We started as a window cleaning business and have expanded to other services that encompass everything home exterior cleaning!

At Green Leaf Roof & Gutter Cleaning we are obsessive about clean and clear windows, so clear that you won't even see the window.

What we do!
Full Service Window Cleaning

We specialize in providing comprehensive window cleaning services in Kitsap and Pierce County that are tailored to meet your needs, offering interior and exterior window cleaning, track cleaning, and screen cleaning.

With our Local professional team dedicated to restoring the brilliance of your windows, inside and out, say goodbye to streaks, smudges, and dirt buildup, and hello to clarity and brightness.

Let us bring clarity to your world – contact us today for a free estimate and let your windows shine like never before!

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Exterior Window Cleaning

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Interior Window Cleaning

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Track Cleaning

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Screen Cleaning

Window Cleaning
in 3 Easy Steps

From getting a quote to scheduling a service


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and Insured

For your peace of mind.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you remove hard water spots with standard cleaning?

We offer Hard Water Removal as an additional service. Since it requires special chemicals and a separate process to remove, we don't offer it with standard cleaning prices. However, if you are looking to get water spots removed, please inquire to our technicians on site for a quote and we can offer that service where needed.

How often should I clean my windows?

We recommend cleaning your window glass at least once per year. This ensures they produce maximum efficiency for you and your home. Many times if you have children or pets in the house, you may want them cleaned twice a year. We can schedule the frequency of cleanings that work best for you!

Are you able to clean storm windows?

Yes, we clean storm windows. We like to look a the integrity of the frame before we clean. Most of the time, we are able to remove the windows and clean them. If we feel that the integrity of the glass/frame may be compromised with the service, we will immediately notify you to protect your windows.